Download the data
using Tacho2Safe
Download driver card data without using tachograph :
To download the data from the driver card, insert the card to the device as in the photo next to ( Don't connect the reader to the computer ! ):
The display order:
- reader software version after switching
- message "Please wait"
- progress bar showing the download status
- message: "Download Complete"
In the upper right corner of the display shows the symbol to indicate the battery status.
Pull the card from the reader.
Retrieving data from the vehicle or smart card by the digital tachograph :
Insert the company card to tachograph as the picture
Wait until the card will be logged.
If you want to download data from the driver card, insert the card in the first slot of the driver and wait for the log.
After logging company card for the tachograph will display the appropriate symbol (see picture).
Then connect the cable between tachograph and Tacho2Safe reader.
Tachograph connection socket is located on the left side of the reader Tacho2Safe. Connect the reader to the next picture:
Tacho2Safe The display will be able to choose the download settings. Pressing the key F-1 to F-4 to begins download. At the end of the display shows information "Download completed".
Meaning keys - the choice of how to retrieve data:
F1 - download data according to the previous settings
F2 - determining what data are to be downloaded and for what period immediately prior to download
F3 - download total memory of tachograph
F4 - download cards (if in the tachograph)
NOTE: Do not disconnect the tachograph when retrieving data.
After the download completion, disconnect the reader from the tachograph.